Thursday, April 30, 2009


Older women should be wise enough to not go through botox and treatments of that sort. No one is worth such trouble. One must learn to be proud of one's wrinkles for time has awarded you that. Anyways who ever started the myth that it was better to be young? More so in the case of women there always are impossible goals about beauty. A woman needs to feel bad about being old? It does not make sense. Society's that are biased towards women are sadistic. That is why we see women wearing very little clothes in many cold countries and too much in may hot ones.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Cheering a team

When the chips are down there are very few to cheer. Some people even state the obvious. Win so we may cheer. As though people do not try to win. Gee if you are winning you need no one to cheer you. So the audience cheers when the team cheers up and gets frustrated when the team does. And that is sports for you.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


If the maoists can walk over a BSF camp so in Bihar then it says a lot about India's security. Its a matter of shame for the armed forces and the news reports it as a daily occurrence. What can one say?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

New world order

Racism is an outdated concept but hegemony is not. A majority or a stronger population inflicting harm on another group of people purely for economic reasons (under many disguises) is an evil that is hard to tackle. It is social thievery and a problem largely ignored unless one directly confronts it.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Opinions in the free world

How free are we? Opinions are created by the media. And no one not even the president should dare to say something that is not expected already. Why talk? Just read the media and conversations should now be about did you watch this TV show or did you read that newspaper. If someone did not read an important new opinion that has developed because of Britney Spears or Simon Cowell, one must update that person on the correct opinions he/she should hold according to the latest TV report. And all other words are unnecessary because the media has already spoken for you. I must say its an easy life.

Refuse to hear

Someone speaks and others walk out at a UN meeting. And yes they had gathered to discuss. Who is more at fault? The speaker or the listeners? I am surprised that in this time and age people are so sensitive to ideas or viewpoints different from theirs. And walking out on a speaker does not reflect too well on the audience. I wonder what happens when speakers walk out? A speaker walks in and looking at the audience decides "Nah, I dont want to speak to you!" That will be some meeting.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Westerm media

The western media always project India as awfully poor. They talk about Indian elections and they show some slum pictures. I would say India should issue visas to foreigners about visiting slums. Its like showing American elections and displaying pictures of a homeless shelter on the side. How much of affluence is carefully projected through images is interesting. On the other hand when a group of countries are very careful about projecting themselves as rich its time to take a good look at their pockets.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New law

I say Afghan men need to protest the new law their president has passed. He seem to think that Afghan men are less desireable than other men worldwide. I wonder why!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Nuclear Controversies

Countries cannot do much nuclear weapons. They would if people did not want to inhabit this world anymore. Using nuclear weapons is akin to having suicidal tendencies. But on the other hand nuclear energy is surely the energy of the future. And whether there will be use of nuclear weapons or not mankind needs to learn to preserve against nuclear accidents.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Indian Cricket

Never was Indian Cricket as good as it is now because no matter who does well the team appears to have done well. Thats the result of Dhoni's captaincy. He makes sure the team is the focus of the game.

Its come to my mind that in many other fields too India has the talent but lacks real leadership. We need more people like Dhoni to lead.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Frankly an invading army is a lot more harmful to a society than people with extreme views about the very same society.

Peaceful protests

G20 protest outcomes are shameful. Its time people living in democracies be allowed to protest peacefully. In other words lay down rules for holding a peaceful protest. Politicians are more afraid of a mass peaceful gathering than elections because it states opinion of a group of people more clearly than any opinion polls.

How we differ

This blog is created so that I may voice my difference or similarity of opinions with the world in general. Enjoy!