Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Space tourism

Space tourism is good and must be encouraged. I guess I will take my vacation on the moon someday soon.

On reality shows

Reality shows that focus on family sometimes go out of hand. Oh yes a cheating husband with many young girls by his side may be interesting but one merely has to think of the children involved. Growing up in India I never had to deal with my father ever doing anything like that. I knew he will always be there for me. Now that is the kind of security a child wants. American children learn early to lower expectations from relationships and deal with all the step parents they will encounter. But to be totally insensitive to them on TV is inhumane. Television and movies have done irreparable damage to society. Of course no one can or maybe should impose on creativity but to create responsibly so that the society is served better by it is every artists duty.

Role models

Young women in competitive careers are willing to give up their careers after marriage without knowing what they are doing. And the elders (even women) do nothing to stop them from making these mistakes. Men on the other hand never think of slowing down after marriage and in fact marriage makes them work harder. In today's world no one can afford to be without a career whether it be a man or woman. Relationships are changing and a career is the best security a human can have.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Keep the fire burning.

Palestinians must make a memorial for their dead. In fact every country must have a memorial with a fire burning for every soldier killed.


In some countries poor people are visible and in others they are not. In India humanity is on display. A country must have poor and rich people. In some countries the poor people are kept hidden. In rich countries charity never begins at home and helping the poor means helping people in some far away land and in some other country. Human beings get emotional but in some countries only certain emotions are allowed. So a man who is heart broken will use the gun before he sheds tears. In rich countries people are picky about everything and this inhibits experiencing life in its entire form. Certain jobs pay less and you are poor. But that is alright. You do that for a while and you or your children try to climb up. And this struggle gives meaning to life. But in rich countries such jobs are exported and unemployed people live on money given as handouts. Its better to be poor than live off handout money. Especially in India where Karma defines a person's life even after death. Some idiotic economists propagate the idea that sending jobs offshore is good. I do not think outsourcing jobs is good for anyone. Jobs outsourced to India limit creativity and people soon find themselves in a rut. It erodes the quality of life and aspirations. Self sufficiency and exchange of services is better.

Monday, September 28, 2009


A country that is at peace with most countries make the big bucks. America became the number one country because it stayed away from most wars that was raging across Europe.
It is a changing scenario now. Iran's missiles are more of a financial threat to America than a military one. Iran now will have a lions share of the weapons market in the middle east and other islamic countries and this market was mostly American (and European) before. And really missiles sell better than nuclear weapons. Like I have said before nuclear weapons are a waste of money (perhaps serves as a deterrent) and only mad men will use it.

Berlusconi Gaffe

Berlusconi thinks of Obama as a tanned white man whereas Obama is more like a black white man if we go by his origins. And I say Americans like him better for it Mr Berlusconi.


Iran is an interesting nation in the middle east. The anti-government protests involve so many women and I like that. Though women do not have equality there yet, Iran is a country where that is possible someday soon.

Competition is good but enslavement is not, whether it be of women, a nation, or a group of people.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The role of the army

Army's role comes in when the enemy is well defined. It is general rule that army must not be used to settle civilian issues. The army is not trained for it. The army is not expected worry about giving people a fair trial because their enemies are well defined. So if the army is in Afghanistan it is war against all Afghans. It is time to handover this job to the police and a court system. Terrorism is a crime that must be handled by the police so that innocent people are spared.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The recommendations net

The recommendations network in America is a killer. You cannot land a job unless you have recommendations and you absolutely need recommendations from some people you would rather have never met. I guess I cannot play along with such farce.

Sovereign nations

Sovereign nations have a right to defend itself. No one can tell them what to do. But of course peace agreements can be made and should be made. The western countries and US are going about Iran in a very wrong way. Especially with changing finances, every verbal threat ebbs respect away. The bone of contention is the refusal of Arab countries to recognize Israel. This must be addressed seriously. Israel is there to stay and the Arab countries better learn to live with it. Also Israel must realize that though they have the support of western countries and they are constantly threatened by Arab countries, it feels more like home where they are now, among the Arab countries, than in any other place in the world. A lot of dialogue and soul searching is what is needed to resolve this conflict.

Lets take a look at the financial world order today. China has nothing to worry for the next five to ten years and if they play their game right they will never have to worry again. They really manufacture for the world and very few countries like India and a few in Africa do not depend on imported services from China. By the time other countries change their policy (if they ever can) China already is going to be awfully powerful. India is reasonably independent and self sufficient and if China or some other big country do not attack India, India has big time promise. America has the software and weapons advantage which will allow them to get back to manufacturing in decent time so that they can maintain status quo. Germany and Japan has the quality advantage but their finances depend on how much they can export. Whereas India, China, and America because of their population size do not really depend on exports. Other countries that will lead the financial scene will be Canada and Russia. The middle east looks like will spend a lot of time defending themselves and playing catch up. Europe's finance depends on the middle east and looks like rough times for this part of the world.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Middle east is funding their own schools now. Before they paid Europe and America because almost all educated people in the middle east studied in these schools. But until the middle east countries realize that intellectuals are inherently liberals they will never be able to attract the best minds nor compete globally. You cannot tie down your mind and expect to explore the infinite possibilities science holds.


I do not understand what President Obama is saying when he talks about Nuclear disarmament. Is he saying the US is going to destroy all their weapons in a public way?
Depleted uranium was used by the US in Iraq and Afghanistan and is President Obama saying that this will not happen again? Gorbochev and Regan had made a great diplomatic stride by making the world to agree on giving up on nuclear weapons. The world is no longer the same and for such agreements to happen again using diplomacy alone will take many more years to come.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Chandrayaan finds water on the moon.

Congratulations are in order to ISRO's Chandrayaan for finding water on the moon. We never thought this was true did we? It is time to look at the moon closely again before going to further planets.


Though the room was almost empty during Ahmedinejad's speech, he did earn a big audience. Great speech though God and international politics do not blend well and I do wish the President gave sufficient thought to womankind as well as mankind for their aspirations are quite similar. But the overall message of the speech was brilliant.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Israeli settlements seem to be on no man's land and looks like Palestine do not have much to lose by it. It is best that Palestine resolves the border dispute as soon as possible so that they can really defend something. As long as there is no real Palestinian state, Israel is free to take what they will with very little resistance. Its best to form the states and then deal with encroachments as every state should.
Anyways once the border issue is resolved any undesirable settlements will automatically cease to exist. Palestinians have to concentrate on the bigger picture.

The Israel Palestine conflict has to be resolved with a little bit of give and take. Some argue that it was wrong for Israel to happen at the expense of Palestine. But this was another era when boundaries were largely determined by the Britain. The map of the world today is still what Britain drew so many years ago. Boundaries are never permanent and depends on the politics of the era. At this point of time Palestinians need a real homeland where they can live with dignity and security. They need to negotiate and looks like the tide is turning in their favor lately. They must make best use of this opportunity.

Domestic disputes

The issues most couples have today is who will pick the trash and who will make the meals. Now these are problems easily solved. You could get somebody to cook for you and pick the trash too. But the problem is each spouse insists on the other to play traditional roles while ignoring many nontraditional roles the person is taking on. And so they nag and nag and nag. Such is life.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Community Colleges

Universities make you erudite but community colleges make you educated. I am glad I went to one.


As long as NATO forces remain in control its a confusing war where the Afghans fundamental need is to liberate themselves from foreign powers. Once Afghanistan is self governing then terrorism is a police matter like it always should have been. And the world is safer for it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Women Today

The pretense of opportunity for women is more frustrating than knowing that there are no opportunities. Its a stupid world.


When children look stressed in a country its a sad world.

Friday, September 18, 2009


I do not see how Israel hating helps Iran. Moreover Israel should be an elite neighbor to have. Iran being one of the smartest country in the middle east should extend cooperation and exchange of ideas with Israel. Anyways Persians have mostly been good to the Jewish people in history and I do not see why that needs to change. Of course Palestine is another problem but that solution cannot come from Iran hating Israel. Israel today is the only Jewish country in the world and the world is better for it once some boundary problems are sorted out once and for all.

If there is a two state solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict, then hopefully the mistakes of India-Pakistan partition will not be repeated. The idea of the two state is what makes one group of people drive out other people with meanness because they see profit.


Warnings only make you go more on the defensive. All these control posturing by the big countries is building up an arms race across the globe. But more importantly its building up animosity. All the little countries are in jitters and their defensive mechanisms are on high alert at this point of time. Every contact, good or bad, teaches people something. One wishes that contacts could be more peaceful.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Making mountains out of mole hills is the job of the press with regards to President Obama. Someone shouting "You lie" on the house floor is not very dignified but to make such a fuss about it and bringing in a racial angle etc is not dignified either. If there must be noise then its better the noise be about more pressing issues. All the controversies appearing in the press seem to be some kind of attention diverting gimmick. Moreover calling dissent racial is not going to bode well considering that Republicans are a sorry minority in the house. As such their opinions need not count but if voicing their opinions becomes racial then this is going to become a one party government.


Afghanistan is colonized thanks to NATO. Iraq has a chance at a real democracy at this point of time. NATO with self righteous goals have more determination to stay than US, where the govt all but say that the Iraq war is a mistake. A bunch of European countries want to develop Afghanistan as though the Afghans know no better. The world is going in circles. Dint we fight colonization in the last century? Looks like we are at it again.


I wonder why the culture of recommendation began. One might think it is to propagate nepotism. Time and again I am asked to write recommendations for someone. If I do not know them well the recos are standard bullshit and it serves no purpose. If I know them well and if I see a need I will recommend without being asked. A lot of documentation serves little purpose.

Non profit

One is always afraid of non profit organizations. Working for non profit voluntarily or involuntarily must be discouraged. There is some profit involved either it is fame, or religious satisfaction, or undercutting someone else. On the other hand an organization that works for profit following laws and fair practices is more trustworthy than one that is nonprofit. A public option that competes fairly with existing insurance companies is the way to go in health reform.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The charm of Austerity

Indians like austerity. Oh yes, so Rahul Gandhi travels second class and how much austerity was that? But some people like this. So Rahul Gandhi likes a bit of austerity and is much liked. Many holy sages of India like austerity and I have failed to see the point time and again. I say let more people travel first class and lets reduce austerity. I guess I agree more with Lalu who has a train called "Garib rail" or the "poor man's train" where all the compartments are first class.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Looking at the Govt sites for jobs and one realizes that not much space is alloted to international trade. The American govt is more interested in international democracy than international trade. No wonder the economy is where it is now.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Losing temper in sports

Players lose their temper and the match thereby. Its best to teach athletes to consult someone before getting angry especially in tennis. Players seem to feel that umpires are unfair to them. Cricket is the same too. Sometimes umpires are unfair. But if the players can call timeout and check with someone, a lot of unpleasantness can be avoided. But perhaps the unpleasantness is as interesting or even more interesting than the game itself. Such is life.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Palestine Israel conflict

The Israeli settlers encroach on Palestinian land. One understands that Israel is a very small country and they need more room. But it is easier for people from Israel to migrate. They could go to US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand etc. They are skilled and adds value to the countries they migrate to and perhaps they do not even require visas to go there. The Palestinians on the other hand have no where to go. Jerusalem let us recall was not given to the Jewish people by god but by America and its allies after World war 2. And I doubt that America is in the mood to help Israel expand its borders.


South Africa must fight allegations against Semenya. The tests that claim Semenya to be both man and woman must be subject to scrutiny and the International Association of Athletics Federations must be penalized if any fraud is detected. Young athletes with stars in the eyes must be protected from jealous sports organizations who lack common decency. But Semenya must not withdraw from the race. She must run to win. She is good and that is why the competition is desperate enough to resort to insulting tactics. Insulting to the competition not to Semenya I say. Women who are athletes typically have athletic features and some people call it masculine. Athletics is not a man's domain and we sure are glad about that. The tests and treatment given to Semenya will be extended to other players as well. Remember these are international competitions and hence must be conducted with dignity. There is no reason some day a German female athlete will not be asked to take such tests and reports leaked. Germany, we recall is where this controversy began.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

illegal immigrants

There should be no illegal immigrants. Why should there be anything illegal in the first place? Health care is humanitarian aid and in this time even animals have a right to health care. But yes, people need cheap labor and so illegal immigration is necessary but common human decency towards them is not. Its a sad state of affairs. Its best if illegal immigration is eliminated and temporary immigration and strict immigration laws are enforced. So that every one can be humane and kind towards each other. For if the poor people did not immigrate to here illegally, they would at least have doctors when they are ill.

Health care reform

If the public option for health care proposed by President Obama is viewed as Government joining the health care system instead of Government take over of health care, it will make a lot of sense. An alternate health care system offered by the govt with no unfair subsidies is a great option and maybe serve as a compassionate one too.

Great speech by Obama though a little unfairly punishing on the insurance companies. In a different economy the insurance companies were doing a good job. Times are different now. It is important that the insurance companies feel that they are facing a fair competitor in the govt insurance policy rather than a policy that will eliminate them completely.

The Republicans know that health care has to be reformed though now they might think why they did not do it while they had a chance. Not all the promises made by Obama in his speech seems probable no matter how well it is said. There are legitimate concerns, one that it might encourage unemployment. But reform is definitely much needed because a lot of hard working people have partial or no insurance at all. Surely even the republicans have met a few such people.This is because regular individuals cannot afford health care for themselves and their family. Only industries and that too only big ones can. Its time to fix the health care system.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


People (even little children) are pushed to accomplish. And the list of careers to follow are engineering, medicine, science, writing, politics, and so on. Some people never make it to this list like carpenters, clerks, laborers, farmers, etc. Interestingly, musicians, artists, and film stars do not make it to this list too.
Are these people lesser than others? So many parents want their children to become scientists, a field where jobs are spare and funds are low. Guidance from the elders unfortunately is cliche. They say automatically what they are supposed to say. It does not matter whether it is your president or your parent or a neighbor. The drift is the same.

So here goes some advice from me to the youngsters. That is "Be happy, Do well what you like best, learn to love, and be responsible". All else do not matter.

A golden era in Democracy?

Democracy is supposed to be all good. A country that has a democratically elected govt is supposed to be more elite than countries with any other forms of government. But think again, can there be a golden era with superb governance in a democracy? Will the opposition party allow this to happen, when it diminishes their chances at coming to power in the next election? Democracy cannot succeed if a different group of people has good reasons to undermine the current government. Perhaps democracy works better if individuals instead of parties get elected.

Friday, September 4, 2009

The goal

What exactly is the goal of the Afghan war and the Iraq war? It is often stated that this is to control terrorism. and why does this war strategy work? The leaders never explained this to us clearly, have they? And if the goal is something different do the soldiers know about it so that they may know what they need to do? At least the soldiers need to know the truth. It appears like the leaders are playing with people's lives hoping that the goal finds itself. Perhaps some countries like to show their bullying capabilities but whats the point? The Bullying mode is short term and needs to be switched off. Its all in bad taste.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Much ado about nothing

Why there should be a furor over students listening to their president is beyond me. Some people are beginning to lose it.