Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sovereign nations

Sovereign nations have a right to defend itself. No one can tell them what to do. But of course peace agreements can be made and should be made. The western countries and US are going about Iran in a very wrong way. Especially with changing finances, every verbal threat ebbs respect away. The bone of contention is the refusal of Arab countries to recognize Israel. This must be addressed seriously. Israel is there to stay and the Arab countries better learn to live with it. Also Israel must realize that though they have the support of western countries and they are constantly threatened by Arab countries, it feels more like home where they are now, among the Arab countries, than in any other place in the world. A lot of dialogue and soul searching is what is needed to resolve this conflict.

Lets take a look at the financial world order today. China has nothing to worry for the next five to ten years and if they play their game right they will never have to worry again. They really manufacture for the world and very few countries like India and a few in Africa do not depend on imported services from China. By the time other countries change their policy (if they ever can) China already is going to be awfully powerful. India is reasonably independent and self sufficient and if China or some other big country do not attack India, India has big time promise. America has the software and weapons advantage which will allow them to get back to manufacturing in decent time so that they can maintain status quo. Germany and Japan has the quality advantage but their finances depend on how much they can export. Whereas India, China, and America because of their population size do not really depend on exports. Other countries that will lead the financial scene will be Canada and Russia. The middle east looks like will spend a lot of time defending themselves and playing catch up. Europe's finance depends on the middle east and looks like rough times for this part of the world.

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