Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Poverty and Rahul Gandhi

Rahul Gandhi is exploring poverty. Reminds me of Buddha who is handling the realities of life for the first time. Society or upbringing teaches us to be charitable. So usually it is poor people are to be sympathized with and we must give them some money, food, or clothing. And yes its a good feeling at the end of it all. You think you did something worthwhile. But over time I have learned that people who depend on charitable relatives or organizations invariably do not grow fully. They spend a lifetime being beggarly no matter how much money they have. There is a pride in being independent and the struggles towards it makes life hard but more fulfilling. But I like what Rahul Gandhi says about the difference between a rich man and a poor man is about opportunity. This is true. Every human being grabs at opportunities that takes them forward. And a person is only as charitable as long as the other person do not go ahead of him or her. And here comes exploitation and the story of poverty then follows quite clearly. As we all know behind great poverty is great exploitation. In fact I say behind all poverty there is exploitation.

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