Thursday, December 17, 2009

The climate change urgency

The climate change debate started with worrying about ice melting in Antartica. These are changes man can do little about. Man can do little about natural catastrophes like earthquakes, tsunamis, etc which is why we must understand that the opportunity to exist in this world is a golden one. So many factors have to be right so that man can grow and thrive. But the Copenhagen talks about environmental issues is a good idea. Living in cities is convenient but living among nature is serene and everyone who has taken a vacation in some national forest will vouch for that. You hesitate to return to the city and you feel you are missing something by not always living in such pristine sorroundings. But if you lived too long away from a city, you miss the city too. One is not worried that cities will vanish from the earth but pristine sorroundings can surely do. Its a horrible world where there are no forests but only cities but its okay if there were no cities but only forests. To preserve nature as much as possible must be man's goal so that not only man but animals, birds, butterflies, wild flowers etc. might have that fleeting chance to exist. So cities must be planned with spacing of nature between that so that humans can rest their tired minds and body time and again by escaping to nature. The so called rich nations giving money to poor nations to protect their own forests is tricky. These are deals where you must read the fine print. In hindi they say "lene ke dene pad jayenge" which means "taking can become having to give". Free money always comes with some kind of trouble. Free money given with even the best intentions are not good to accept for the moral health of a nation. Anyways, what is the definition of a poor nation? There are no poor nations but only exploited nations.

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